
Riggisberg Bombing July 13th, 1943

During the night of July 13th, 1943, shortly after midnight, about 100 English bombers flew into Switzerland at an altitude of 3000m on their way to Turin and left our country at Lake Geneva and Ticino. The weather was very bad with a strong chinook winds and heavy thunderstorms. As a result, various pilots had to make emergency drops over the Val de Ruz, in Flamatt, Lutry, on the Schynigen Platte in the Saanenland in Riggisberg, causing damage to fields and forests. Fortunately, no people were killed, but there was a great deal of destruction. Well over 200 bombs with a total weight of 1.2 tons fell on Riggisberg. There were 200 stick-type incendiary bombs, 25 phosphorous incendiary bombs, one high explosive bomb and one demolition bomb. The hits caused great damage and deeply shocked the population of Riggisberg. The points of impact were located within a strip of about 1 km length and 250 m width, which ran through the village
